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sir Francis Drake maszynista z Melbourne
Dołączył: 01 Wrz 2015 Posty: 8190 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 31 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Wysłany: Sob 16:51, 01 Lip 2017 Temat postu: |
sing [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
dosc zgrabnie opowiedziany klasyk z wyrazistymi postaciami..
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animavilis Gość
Wysłany: Sob 15:37, 08 Lip 2017 Temat postu: |
Nadrabiam moje żenujące braki w podstawowym wykształceniu filmowym
Po "Lśnieniu" przyszedł czas na "Znikający punkt", "anarchiczny film drogi z 1971 r."
Gdyby napisano "archaiczny" to, z perspektywy niemal półwiecza, brzmiałoby tak samo trafnie. Dziwnie się takie filmy ogląda. Naiwne w treści. Naiwne w formie. A jednak te wstęgi szos, rozwiane włosy i wielkie, puste przestrzenie...  |
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animavilis Gość
Wysłany: Nie 9:26, 09 Lip 2017 Temat postu: |
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Widziałam lepsze filmy Clinta Eastwooda, ale on nie schodzi poniżej pewnego poziomu i tę historię też ogląda się z przyjemnością.
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Dla koneserów gatunku. Głupie, ale nie bardzo oklepane. Znaczy, o pierwotnym, leśnym pasożycie, zamieniającym ludzi w rozwścieczone kolczaste zombie, chyba jeszcze nie było.
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Sugestywna Julie Delpy jako zbrodnicza hrabina Elżbieta Batory. Przyzwoite. |
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animavilis Gość
Wysłany: Sob 6:17, 05 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Wyjaśnienie zagadkowego zachowania postaci jest dość bełkotliwe, a aktor wcielający się w postać głównego bohatera dysponuje tylko jednym zestawem min, ale film się jest całkiem ciekawy i trzymający w napięciu. I nie jest to klasyczny horror, raczej thriller z elementami fantastyki. |
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letnisztorm Tunrida Storm
Dołączył: 16 Lut 2009 Posty: 14847 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 2172 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: Nie 20:47, 06 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
Byłam w ostatnim czasie w kinie na Mumii, Transformersach i Volcie. Nie idźcie tą drogą, już lepiej nawet Corsa poczytać forum. Jedyne co mam na swoją obronę to to że bilety były darmowe 
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sir Francis Drake maszynista z Melbourne
Dołączył: 01 Wrz 2015 Posty: 8190 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 31 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Wysłany: Nie 21:06, 06 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
pozwol mi wejsc [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
ps dopiero po, dowiedzialem sie , ze jest to remake szwedzkiego filmu z 2008
warto doobejrzec oryginal?
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sir Francis Drake maszynista z Melbourne
Dołączył: 01 Wrz 2015 Posty: 8190 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 31 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Wysłany: Pon 20:15, 07 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
shot caller z jaime lannisterem [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
ps zawsze najpierw daje swoja ocene, a potem sprawdzam na filmwebie, imdb itp...
ciekawe, ze tu sie zgodła z imdb.
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animavilis Gość
Wysłany: Wto 19:48, 08 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
sir Francis Drake napisał: |
ps dopiero po, dowiedzialem sie , ze jest to remake szwedzkiego filmu z 2008
warto doobejrzec oryginal? |
Nie znam tej wersji z 2010 r., ale widziałam szwedzki pierwowzór. Mnie się podobał, natomiast, sądząc z recenzji późniejszej wersji, ta druga może być bardziej spektakularna, bardziej "amerykańska" i efektowniejsza w odbiorze. Szwedzki film jest niespieszny i mroczny, ale nie mrokiem nie horrorowym, tylko nieco depresyjnym. |
Powrót do góry |
sir Francis Drake maszynista z Melbourne
Dołączył: 01 Wrz 2015 Posty: 8190 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 31 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Wysłany: Wto 20:20, 08 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
animavilis napisał: | sir Francis Drake napisał: |
ps dopiero po, dowiedzialem sie , ze jest to remake szwedzkiego filmu z 2008
warto doobejrzec oryginal? |
Nie znam tej wersji z 2010 r., ale widziałam szwedzki pierwowzór. Mnie się podobał, natomiast, sądząc z recenzji późniejszej wersji, ta druga może być bardziej spektakularna, bardziej "amerykańska" i efektowniejsza w odbiorze. Szwedzki film jest niespieszny i mroczny, ale nie mrokiem nie horrorowym, tylko nieco depresyjnym. |
ten amerykanski zrobil na mnie wrazenie uniwersalnej paralelli, w ktorej tresc wlasciwa pelni role formy
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melpomena zła kobieta
Dołączył: 03 Wrz 2005 Posty: 9156 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 475 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Wysłany: Nie 6:40, 13 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
letnisztorm napisał: | Byłam w ostatnim czasie w kinie na Mumii, Transformersach i Volcie. Nie idźcie tą drogą, już lepiej nawet Corsa poczytać forum. Jedyne co mam na swoją obronę to to że bilety były darmowe  |
Mumię słyszałam, że zjechali totalnie (krytycy i widzowie).
W gronie znajomych facetów 9-13 lat jeśli chodzi o Transformers vs Spiderman zdecydowanie wygrał pająk.
Voltę chcę zobaczyć... Widziałam jak kręcili... i się jakoś poczuwam...
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letnisztorm Tunrida Storm
Dołączył: 16 Lut 2009 Posty: 14847 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 2172 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Kobieta
Wysłany: Pon 8:04, 14 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
No jak kręcili ...to trzeba zobaczyć. Może gdyby ktoś inny inny był reżyserem można by przymknąć oko na kiszkowatą fabułe i drętwą gre aktorów, ale jak sobie człowiek przypomni jego genialne komedie to aż żal......
Mnie ostatni atakowały plakty i informacje w necie o naborze na statystów do filmu Smarzowskiego i gdybym mogła wziąść urlop to chyba bym spróbowała. 
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Pasztet maszynista z Melbourne
Dołączył: 03 Lip 2011 Posty: 4878 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 524 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Wysłany: Śro 17:07, 16 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
Nie wiem czy jest w kinach, czy był, ale naprawdę rasowy thriller, świetnie zrealizowany, ani momentu dłużyzny i z tym co lubię, czyli przewrotnością i nieprzewidywalnością.
Hiszpański oryginalny tytuł 'Contratiempo', nieszczęśliwie przetłumaczony na angielski jako 'The Invisible Guest'
Bardzo warto
jest na netfliksie i tez chyba na darmowym zalukaj.com
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
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sir Francis Drake maszynista z Melbourne
Dołączył: 01 Wrz 2015 Posty: 8190 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 31 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Wysłany: Wto 12:59, 22 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
norymberga [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
bardzo dobra gra niedopowiedzeniami
PS a ten, pare postow wyzej, z coster-waldau (jaimie lannisterem), to gra aktorska c-w w nim* a grze o tron, to niebo a ziemia
na niekorzysc gry o tron
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animavilis Gość
Wysłany: Wto 15:28, 22 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
W "Grze o tron" on w ogóle nie gra, on wygląda.
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Bardzo fajny thriller. Co prawda, wątek osobowości mnogiej w sztuce filmowej jest dość wyświechtany, a w filmie pojawiły się liczne elementy fantazji (albo fantastyki ), ale, ogólnie, dobrze się to ogląda. Zamiast epatować przemocą, Shyamalan przez długi czas umiejętnie buduje napięcie. |
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animavilis Gość
Wysłany: Wto 16:09, 22 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Mimo niewysokich ocen na Filmwebie, godny polecenia. Ten film jest dla mnie wiarygodny i dobrze zagrany. Isabelle Huppert, choć nienajmłodsza, wciąż atrakcyjna i stylowa. |
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animavilis Gość
Wysłany: Pon 22:10, 28 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
Znowu wyciągnęłam jakieś starzywo
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
i jeśli mnie, wzdrygającej się na myśl o tematyce sportowej, całkowicie i niezmiennie niezainteresowanej piłką nożną i żywiącej dość nieprzyjazne uczucia dla kiboli ten film się podobał, to musiał to być dobry film
[a ten Elijah Wood jest taki ładny, taki delikatny, istny słodziak... ] |
Powrót do góry |
Pasztet maszynista z Melbourne
Dołączył: 03 Lip 2011 Posty: 4878 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 524 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Wysłany: Pon 23:41, 28 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
animavilis napisał: | http://www.filmweb.pl/film/Elle-2016-723206
Mimo niewysokich ocen na Filmwebie, godny polecenia. Ten film jest dla mnie wiarygodny i dobrze zagrany. Isabelle Huppert, choć nienajmłodsza, wciąż atrakcyjna i stylowa. |
To był bardzo ciekawy film, warto obejrzeć.
I jak zwykle Virginie Efira, nawet w epizodzie, hot as fuck!
Post został pochwalony 0 razy |
Powrót do góry |
sir Francis Drake maszynista z Melbourne
Dołączył: 01 Wrz 2015 Posty: 8190 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 31 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Wysłany: Śro 13:49, 30 Sie 2017 Temat postu: |
obejrzalem sobie drugi raz tego shot-callera, bo naszly mnie pewne pytania...
potem poczytalem [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
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[–]Iron_Rain 33 Punkte vor 28 Tagen
I thought it was deep and honest. Though the time jump between events were a bit distracting, I was very impressed in general.
1) When Jacob first bumps into that black inmate, Shotgun remarks, "Looks like a lame just stepped on a landmine." I took it as how it doesn't matter who you are, if you're the new guy, you could lay low and maybe get by, but Jacob stepped on a landmine, meaning he's in an unlucky situation and whatever he does, he's fucked. If he backs off, he's marked as a bitch. If he fights, he's a target for vengeance attacks from that inmate or his friends. Bottles also makes this clear: how everyone sticks to their own race in prison, and he tells Jacob to see how that lone wolf act works out. Just because Jacob put up a fight, doesn't mean the challenges will stop. That whole Law of the Jungle culture makes it pretty obvious how the other inmate needs an excuse to not take vengeance if he doesn't want to be labelled a bitch either. And on this point you're also speaking from hindsight, which the main character also realizes when The Beast threatens his family to make the arms deal.
2) And that's why he can't quit the gang. He's in too deep. Again, he realizes this in hindsight. He thought he just needed to play a certain role in prison, and it would all be over once he was out. And witness protection for what? A criminal deal that didn't happen yet? Playing his cards right? The stakes are too high. And successful stock brokers do not gamble.
3) Never once did I think he enjoyed being a thug. Notice how when he does violent things, his face goes rigid like he's a robot. No emotion. No thought. Just very mechanical (great acting). But when he's sitting at a diner with Howie, ordering his favorite steak, folding a napkin the way he used to with a little pep in the way he moves his hands, organizing the salt and pepper the way he likes it, you can catch him smiling. But the tiniest hope of going back to his old life was shredded when The Beast threatened his family. And there were a lot of winks and nudges at why Jacob is throwing it all away. And it's clearly shame. Bottles explains, "In this place, men like us have only two options. Become a warrior or a victim." Now replace warrior with animal. The biggest antagonist in the film is The Beast who also casually mentions how he finished a book called The Human Animal. If the narrative required The Beast to be well-read, why wasn't it Infinite Jest, or other famous work? The title of that book is specifically mentioned to hammer the point home. Prison turns men into animals. If they weren't when they went in, they will have to be if they want to survive. Jacob knows he had made the decision to be an animal. How is he ever going to explain the WHITE PRIDE and the iron cross on his back to his son when the old him used to say with an understanding smile, "No TV while eating." How is he ever going to explain that he stabbed a man to death in prison, all to get back to his family? How can he even be a part of their lives now that he's a human animal? I mean, that's some tragic shit. Some try. Like that guy who gives a bunch of reasons why he couldn't make it to work, and the police officer says he doesn't want to hear it, "You're a convicted felon. Rise above it. It's supposed be hard." Then there's Jacob, which the other cop explains it as, "Well, anything could happen once they're institutionalized." It's a careless attitude about hows and whys like it's supposed to be voodoo magic that turns men into animals.
There are many prison dramas, but this one is the best in my recent memory. It's a biting criticism of the American prison system, our failure as a civilized society, and a heart-breaking tragedy of a father. Tragic in a very classical sense: He is damned, and there is no hope for him, but the audience knows he shouldn't be. This is also pointed out with a heavy hand after Jacob kills The Beast. He says to the corrupt guard, "I'm not going to be put on death row, waiting to be put down like an animal ... I run this show now." He's clinging to what humanity he has. Of control.
So yeah. I liked it. I think you did too. And I feel the same kind of bitter frustration because it's not right what happened to him. I guess I wanted him to "rise above." Well... he rose to where he could.
I think you should give it another watch because it's not ridiculous at all. Well... maybe it is ridiculous because we live in that world.
[–]enderkuhr 2 Punkte vor 19 Tagen
Great write up
[–]moistyorifices 1 Punkt vor 3 Tagen
A+ 4.0
[–][deleted] 11 Punkte vor 1 Monat
They didn't show just how powerful/Big the gang actually is, or if joining the gang was really necessary in the first place. If they showed more of those things it would've seemed like he did what he absolutely had to do in order to keep his family provided for and safe.
On a side note, I loved how his wife took the money because it seems like in movies and shows they always refuse the "blood money".
[–]concord72 12 Punkte vor 1 Monat
You try getting raped every night for 18 months and see how long you last before you seek the help of a gang.
[–][deleted] -3 Punkte vor 28 Tagen
I mean, isn't that what guards are for? I have trouble believing correctional officers allow inmates to be sodomized that often. I'm sure it happens, but it can't be THAT often.
I will stipulate that while I found it hard to to believe that he would join the gang so quickly... I found it a LOT more hard to believe he would get so involved in their affairs, considering the length of his sentence. That's where it became clear, that on some level he liked what he was doing.
[–]Hydrokratom 2 Punkte vor 13 Tagen
I don't know how often they take place. I know one guy that did a few years in San Quentin in the 90s and said that prison rape and gay stuff is greatly exaggerated in the movies, but I don't know if he was just saying that. I know that they have gotten a lot better on cutting down the number of prison murders since the 80s.
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Not that I ever really want to know had bad prison is.
Prison guards are notoriously corrupt though.
[–]bobbbsanders 5 Punkte vor 1 Monat
more of a plot hole comment but what i didnt get was how he snuck in the razor blade and handcuff key when they strip search criminals before booking them in to jail and/or prison
[–]sick_nich 5 Punkte vor 1 Monat
put them in the chapstick tube and put it up his butt.he had done it before with a balloon in one of the earlier scenes in prison when he was newer. so he must of learned to hold it in when asked to squat and cough during the booking search. and took it out once in his cell.
[–]bobbbsanders 2 Punkte vor 1 Monat
first off, dont forget your spoiler tags brother.
second, you cant hold in contraband while squatting and coughing. the moment the inmate coughs (sometimes the guard will have you cough numerous times until he/she is confident that you aren't hiding any contraband), the item will either fall out or the inmate's rectum will show signs of swelling or straining which is an indication that the inmate is hiding something.
[–]sick_nich 5 Punkte vor 1 Monat
maybe he was never checked
[–]GraphThis 7 Punkte vor 26 Tagen
He's a high ranking AB being escorted by a corrupt guard(s) I doubt he was thoroughly checked over.
[–]bobbbsanders 2 Punkte vor 1 Monat
highly doubt it. plot hole or not, it was a good movie!
[–]Thebrewjew 5 Punkte vor 27 Tagen
Might have swallowed that bad boy
[–]krutmob 1 Punkt vor 23 Tagen
That's what I assumed.
[–]marvnation 6 Punkte vor 1 Monat
One thing I missed was why redwood got sent to Death row. I saw the body but never understood the reason why he waited 4 months to get them.
[–]illegalwa11jumper 2 Punkte vor 1 Monat
It was assumed that redwood extracted a screw from an object. (Beast said it took him 4 months to get the screw.) It could have been the cell toilet, or from the outdoor cage. Redwood then used it to attack one of the guards to death. I don't know perhaps the guard did some bad things to redwood. IE - Rape.
[–]krutmob 12 Punkte vor 1 Monat
Screw is slang for correctional officer. It took Redwood four months to finally get the opportunity to murder the CO.
[–]edmonstro 5 Punkte vor 1 Monat
Beast explained it to him why he killed him! Because they run the show. It's a show of power that they control whether they live or die. The fact that they no longer are branding them means they are reorganizing their structure. It's an amazing movie.
[–]ad1das101 10 Punkte vor 1 Monat
1) You ever been to prison? If not you dont understand
[–]therealpinto 4 Punkte vor 27 Tagen*
Best prison movie I've seen in awhile, but a few things confused me and/or left unanswered questions. Can anyone tell me:
a.) Why did Shotgun and the Hispanic gang try to Kill Money, especially when Shotgun was a snitch, which eliminates the possibility he was trying to rob the exchange b.) Why does Money give up the second gun storage locker to the cops? This really didn't make sense to me considering he was leading the gang now and it was worth over $1MM c.) Did anyone else find it suspect that Money would rise to leadership and protect his family by murdering the Beast? If anything I'd think that would put an even bigger target on he and his family's back
[–]Thebrewjew 1 Punkt vor 27 Tagen
A) It was shotguns deal first. With money out of the picture he gains control of it. B) A show of faith. Also to send home that he was in control of the deal the whole time. C) Only when he sent the quardinates in the truck. Then when I saw the cops on site I figured it out.
[–]bessface 1 Punkt vor 24 Tagen
Comments to the reply by Thebrewjew: A) As both the cops and the Beast knew of the deal, I can't see how he would gain control of it by killing Money. B) Why did he need to make 'a show faith' to some cop? He didn't even want his family to know what his motives where. C) The question is 'How did Money raise to be head of the gang just by murdering Beast? Obviously he would need support from the gang leaders below Beast. We don't get an explanation for that.
[–]drzoster 1 Punkt vor 14 Tagen
A) Shotgun was a druggie convict, I doubt he ever made smart decisions B) Like Brewjew said, it's a powermove. Also a smart way to make friends with some people you may want information from in the future C) He killed the baddest guy in prison on his own, those skinheads already think he's a legend, now he's the baddest
[–]bessface 1 Punkt vor 24 Tagen
I add to that:
D) Why did Money take the risk of killing Shotgun for being a snitch, when it only meant that he then had to inform the cops himself?
[–]drzoster 1 Punkt vor 14 Tagen
After The Beast made the direct threat to Money, he knew the only way to end it for good and protect his family was to kill The Beast. The Beast would have thought that Money was the problem if the deal went bad and there was nothing he could have told him to prevent retaliation. Money was probably fine with the long term commitment to the gang, he had already sold his soul at that point, but after the deal started showing cracks, he realized he was in for life. He could either be The Beast's bitch and do whatever he asked for him or he could be a warrior and take over the gang. Also Shotgun was a snitch and Money didn't want snitches in the crew he was going to take over.
[–]book-mark 3 Punkte vor 1 Monat
The cop literally asks #3 himself. And he offers to give up the gang leader (your #2), so yeah, that makes no sense.
[–]ww_crimson 4 Punkte vor 17 Tagen
It's because guard Roberts was present when the cop tried to make a deal
[–]ReubenFroster56 1 Punkt vor 15 Tagen
Not only that but because as he stated in the movie as soon as he got out he would have a target on his back.
[–]masterchiepher 3 Punkte vor 1 Monat
How did he know their were more guns?
Did he send the text to get caught on purpose because beast was using his family as leverage ?
[–]MelGibsonDiedForUs 6 Punkte vor 28 Tagen
Youngster told him after he put a gun to his head in the box truck. Yes to the second part, he figured the only way to keep his family safe was by killing The Beast and being the boss.
[–]ww_crimson 1 Punkt vor 17 Tagen
It was hinted at early on in the movie
[–]krutmob 10 Punkte vor 1 Monat
You have never been in jail or prison. Institutionalization is a real thing and it changes how you think about yourself and survival. Why do members of the Church of Scientology do weird shit, abandon their families, excommunicate their friends? When it's a cult we call it brainwashing--prison life works the same way. This was of course a movie and the plot demands certain decisions to be made, but I didn't feel it was fundamentally unrealistic at all.
[–]doqswol 6 Punkte vor 1 Monat
I was rooting for his character so hard.
Also considering he gets shifted to the max security part after he shanked the toad in the riot via the security camera, it seems odd that there's no cameras on the max security outdoor pens.
[–][deleted] 5 Punkte vor 1 Monat
Yeah I found that pretty out there, too. I guess the only explanation is "the beast" had enough leverage to pay off people, and make that area unsupervised to conduct business.
You rooting for him kind of made me realize the main reason I didn't like the movie, is that he becomes really unlikable pretty early on. If he's doing it all for his family like he says, the film does a poor job showing that. It feels more like he just wants to be a piece of trash for whatever reason.
[–]illegalwa11jumper 8 Punkte vor 1 Monat
I think that Money does everything out of guilt of killing his friend. Money never found inner peace for the DWI and his best friend getting killed because of his reckless actions. He knows once he is free from prison, he is not truly free because the Aryan Mafia will own him for life. The only way to be free was to kill the leader and become him, also the only way to keep his family safe. Or at least that's how I interpreted it.
[–]Balticpower 5 Punkte vor 1 Monat
Two choices: a) be out of prison and do errands for the gang for life or when you decide to take your family and run b) get life sentence
It did not make any sense for him to choose going back to prison for life instead of running gang business outside for life. Unless it would be out of the principle that "no one should threaten my family", which still be not very plausable.
[–]GraphThis 3 Punkte vor 26 Tagen
He didn't really commit to killing the beast until he knew Shotgun sold him out.
At that point he can either become a rat and most certainly be killed along with his family or spend his living looking over his shoulder. Or get busted in the deal and get fucked over. He took a third route.
Keep in mind that Money carried out the setup for another reason which was to make sure the guy who conspired with Shotgun to shoot him got a life sentence.
[–]drzoster 1 Punkt vor 14 Tagen
It was either hunt or be hunted and he made that choice very early on
[–]cocktails5 2 Punkte vor 24 Tagen
It feels more like he just wants to be a piece of trash for whatever reason.
Then why did he save the Afghanistan kid? Or give second cache of guns to the police?
[–]RubItOnYourShmeet 1 Punkt vor 1 Monat
I know they say the word in the movie, but "toad" is a pretty nasty thing to say.
[–]doqswol 8 Punkte vor 1 Monat
You must have me confused for someone who cares
[–]RubItOnYourShmeet 5 Punkte vor 1 Monat
Also you're some sweaty nerd who has never been behind bars, so it just sounds silly coming from you.
[–]doqswol 3 Punkte vor 1 Monat
Nice one
[–]Sheepdog20 2 Punkte vor 1 Monat
Aw someone hit your nerve =[
[–]akkbar 1 Punkt vor 29 Tagen
Found this thread after I enjoyed this movie... then I see this idiot try and act tough when you try and educate him. Can't even avoid the idiocy in a movie thread.
It just doesn't pay to try and clean up the shit does it man? Doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying. fistbump
[–]doqswol 5 Punkte vor 28 Tagen
[–]akkbar -2 Punkte vor 29 Tagen*
Tough guy. Wipe the sweat off your brow fuck boy and finish your Mountain Dew... nobody is buying it. Don't try and act cool by being a dickfaced keyboard sociopath. You'd piss yourself at the first sign of danger.
[–]doqswol 4 Punkte vor 28 Tagen
You're a weird and angry dude. You know that don't you?
[–]akkbar 0 Punkte vor 28 Tagen*
Sure... I see you're a trump fan railing on T_D about libcucks. Stay awesome
[–]doqswol 6 Punkte vor 28 Tagen
Stay miserable little man!
[–]akkbar 0 Punkte vor 27 Tagen
You're miserable!! Haha! Lulz! I just rekt'ed you! Derp?!!
^ That's you. Very clever rebuttal. I guess I shouldn't expect much more from a double digit IQ trumpeteer.
[–]Cholst3 4 Punkte vor 27 Tagen
Stay miserable little dude. Huge fail!
[–]Cholst3 4 Punkte vor 28 Tagen
Akkbar has gone full retard!
[+][gelöscht] vor 28 Tagen (3 Kinder)
[–]mfattal 1 Punkt vor 17 Tagen
I don't get it, did he allow the bust at the end to happen on purpose? I was confused by that but now it makes sense because he wanted to kill big poppa or whatever his name was. Jacob was in no way a coward though, from day 1 in prison till the end.
I loved the costume designs and tattoos, especially the facial hair.
[–]freedomcominthrough 1 Punkt vor 13 Tagen
OK so what I don't understand is this:
- Why did Gomez try to kill Money - When Money found out Shotgun was snitching on him/them, why didn't he tell everyone else so they would deal with Shotgun as a gang and maybe stop or postpone the deal?
[–]mylegasi 1 Punkt vor 12 Tagen
I didn't get that too.
And what happened to bottles? Jeff got too little screen time. Hope there's a sequel and he's in it.
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i dalej nie wiem, dlaczego herman chcial killnac kasiarza(moneja)
bo dlaczego shotgun, to chyba jasne...
wie ktos ??
i, btw z 7.5 na 8.8
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animavilis Gość
Wysłany: Pią 18:43, 01 Wrz 2017 Temat postu: |
Niekoniecznie tylko dla miłośników horroru:
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Jak dobrze podejrzewałam, było to... dziwaczne. Dość długo trudno się było zorientować, czy to horror czy thriller, sceny z dwójką skretyniałych policjantów zakrawały na jakąś farsę, a wszystko to w akompaniamencie poruszających koreańskich pisków, miauków i azjatyckiej formy ekspresji. W każdym razie, koreański obrzęd egzorcyzmów był daleko bardziej malowniczy, niż chrześcijański. Lojalnie też uprzedzam, że pojawił się tam, co najmniej jeden ewidentny, zombiak
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Na ten film skusiłam się z dwóch powodów: po pierwsze, Hilary Swank jest dla mnie gwarantem, że film nie będzie kiszką; po drugie, połączenie westernu z historią eskortowania trzech zaburzonych psychicznie kobiet zapowiadało się smakowicie. I film był, rzeczywiście, ciekawy. Tylko, jakiś taki - nierówny. Jako że nie wiem, o co mi chodzi i co, dokładnie, mi się nie podobało, wystawiam mu notę pozytywną... |
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sir Francis Drake maszynista z Melbourne
Dołączył: 01 Wrz 2015 Posty: 8190 Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 31 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
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Wysłany: Pon 22:16, 04 Wrz 2017 Temat postu: |
olak napisał: | "Mechanik"
Małż ma dziwny gust filmowy... Obejrzałam, ale chyba nie potrafię docenić.
Film przewidywalny po pierwszych 20tu minutach. Skojarzenia z Dostojewskim bardziej niż oczywiste.
Christian Bale zszokował mnie swoim wyglądem, chociaż momentami otwarta buzia przywodziła mi na myśl problemy z trzecim migdałem. Lubię jego grę, od pierwszych scen "Equilibrium". W tym filmie to odbezpieczony granat (Edit. Momentami patrzyłam na jego bohatera i widziałam siebie. Nie żebym miała coś na sumieniu, ale wybucham równie gwałtownie...)
Perełką jest kreacja Johna Shariana. Diabeł wcielony... Wyrzut sumienia... |
equilibrium - o 2e >> estetyce i emocjach
beznadziejna, i to duzo, duzo bardziej, niz w westworld, logika kreacji rzeczywistosci
swietne zdjecia
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